Friday, February 28, 2025

2nd Day Recording

2nd Day Recording 

Today was Day 2 of Filming. We were able to accomplish getting the first 30 seconds of the film done today. Boxes 2 through 5 of the Storyboard were accomplished today. All that would be left to include is the Character Cards, but that will be included and added on in Editing.

Opening Scene 

This opening scene was a bit complicated since it was a continuous shot; each recording lasted a different amount, but they ranged from 30 seconds to 40 seconds. There were about 40 different takes since some of them had bloopers of people laughing and not being able to keep a straight face, but there are about 5-7 good recordings that are options to be used for the film opening. The one that is currently selected as being used for the film opening is the video below.

The video above is a special pick. The reason for this is because this video was accidently taken in cinematic mode, somehow and someway cinematic mode was selected and the video was taken like this. Not until after this clip was done being recorded did we realize what had happened. After realizing how much better it looked we decided to keep this recording since it fit in very well to the theme of the film opening.

Above is a blooper of the first clip of the film. The reason this clip isn't being used is there are some things that were done incorrectly by pure accident. If you pay attention to the video closely you can see 2 things that were done incorrectly. 1) Being that one of the cards was dealt upside down, meaning that the game would have had to restart since in Poker if a card is dealt upside down the deck must be reshuffled. 2) At around 29 Seconds you can see one of the behind of the scenes actors that helped with the filming, so you shouldn't have seen them ever.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

First Day of Filming - High Stakes

Film Day 1

After Weeks of planning, scripting, and storyboarding on what Film would get produced, High Stakes was chosen. Today we kicked off with the First Day of Filming. It is very exciting seeing something come alive, since it all started with just a paper and pencil. Despite the challenges that occurred, we managed to keep on going and get the opportunity to record it and make it a reality.

Behind the Scenes

When setting up for the Poker Game, the Poker Mat was a bit bigger than the table, but we were able to fix it since the mat just folded downwards, creating the illusion of it being a Poker Table. After Adjusting the Lighting, setting up, and Tweaking the Angles, everyone got into costume, and we hit record. Below the video shows what the set looked like during filming. 

Above is a picture of everyone in the film opening. Everyone had their roles memorized, dressed up in their individual characters, ready to bring this project to life. Every little detail helped give the tension the film needed plus the mystery needed to capture the viewers attention.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Titles - Transitions for Credits - Part 2


When it comes to making transitions for anything in a film, how it is used is important. The movement of where it starts and then ends and the timing of when it is shown on screen are key roles in making sure that the film keeps on going without distracting the viewer with whatever else is on screen. For the Transitions of the Credits, there will be a variety of fonts used to let the viewer know the information without pulling the attention away from what is happening on the screen.

Transition List

    • Fade In/Fade Out
      • This will be used for the Production Company + Film Title
      • This gives it the effect of being a professional introduction
    • Dissolve or The Blur Reveal
      • This will be used for the Editing Credits + Cinematic Credits
      • This gives it the effect of it being slightly professional but more of it being smooth
    • Slide or Some Transition that Moves
      • This will be used for Character Introductions
      • This helps match it up with each character + stick with the film pacing
    • Overlay
      • This will be used for the Director, Writer, Producer
      • This will be put in the corners to make it visible but not to block the viewer from what is on screen.

All these Transitions will allow the Text that is put on the screen for the viewers to see and will make the film better by making it smooth and giving an engaging effect that will leave the viewer wanting to watch more. Making sure to time each credit will allow for the film opening to have a greater effect introducing everyone but not messing the pace of the film up,

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Titles - Fonts & Formatting Order of Credits - Part 1

Fonts + Formatting

Various fonts will be used to introduce each Character or the Key Roles of people who helped produce the film. Apart from this determining where the Text will be shown is also important that way it can highlight what is supposed to be read, but also not distract the reader from the actual film. All the Font Options were found at "". 

Text Formatting + Order

  1. Production Company: ARG Studios
    • Font Options: 
      • LTC Bodoni 175
      • Acumin Pro Bold ExtraCondensed Italic
      • Futura PT Extra Bold Oblique
  2. Director: Andre Rivera
    • Font Options:
      • Trade Gothic Next SR Pro Heavy Condensed
      • Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold
  3. Film Title: High Stakes
    • Font Options:
      • Glodok Display
      • Dogma OT ExtraOutline
      • Dogma OT Outline
      • Brothers OT Bold
  4. Character Introductions:
    • Player 1(Ghost - Aka Jack of All Trades):
      • Font: Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold Italic
    • Player 2 (Cowboy - Aka Brono):
      • Font: Brothers OT Bold
    • Player 3 (Fresh - Aka Prince):
      • Font: Dogma OT Outline
    • Dealer (Alfred): 
      • Font: Acumin Pro Bold Wide Italic
  5. Procducer: Andre Rivera
    • Font Options:
      • Trade Gothic Next SR Pro Heavy Condensed
      • Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold
  6. Written by: Andre Rivera
    • Font Options:
      • Trade Gothic Next SR Pro Heavy Condensed
      • Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold
  7. Cinematographer: Andre Rivera
    • Font Options:
      • Trade Gothic Next SR Pro Heavy Condensed
      • Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold
  8. Editor: Andre Rivera
    • Font Options:
      • Trade Gothic Next SR Pro Heavy Condensed
      • Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold


Each Key Role will have a different placement on the screen since some are more important to be seen + read than others. The Film Title + Production Company will be in the Center of the Screen. The rest of the Key Roles will be played around with but will either be in the Bottom Right/Left Corner of the Screen.

Trying to incorporate my knowledge of the power points to make sure that each text stands out/pops out and lets the reader acknowledge it but not distract from the film. Putting all the not-as-critical key role text boxes in the corner will allow for it to be distracting yet still professional enough for people to understand why it is important to be seen.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Part 2 - Mise-en-scene - Costume


The costumes are important since they help give key details/information about each character. They give us a little about their personality and what status they have in the World. Even though they are all from different parts, they each represent some sort of wealth specifically from where they come.

Character Costumes

Dealer (Alfred): Since Alfred is the Dealer he will be sitting down at the table already so most probably only thing that will be shown is from his waist up.

      • Hair always combed.
      • Blazer or Button Shirt, Commanding Respect.
      • Formal Slacks (Might not be shown since the dealer is sitting down)
      • Black Dress Shoes.

Player 1(Ghost - Aka Jack of All Trades): The main character, almost all of his body will be shown since the film will start off with him walking towards the poker table.

      • Hair messy but formal.
      • A leather jacket that is stylish yet professional.
      • Hooded jacket, which can blend in anywhere.
      • Black Jeans/Black Leggings, can be casual if the jacket were to be taken off.
      • Black Shoes, Stylish yet professional.

Player 2(Cowboy - Aka Bronco): Already sitting down at the table he will be the first player seen apart from the Main Character. We will see him sitting down with chips on the table, and communicating with others at the table.

      • Cowboy Hat 
      • White Shirt/Button Up
      • Dark Colored/Brown Pants, 
      • Possibly a Belt (Might not be seen since sitting down)
      • Cowboy Boots if not Black Shoes

Player 3(Fresh - Aka Prince): Will also be sitting down already but only the front side of him will be shown.

      • Hat from a Sports Team
      • Designer Glasses 
      • Possibly a Chain or Bracelet
      • Watch on Hand
      • A Button Shirt that is casual but looks formal.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Part 1 - Mise-en-scene - Set

Set Design

Now that it is time to start recording soon, having a list of appliances/items that I would like to use during filming would help me know what would need to be purchased and what could get borrowed from people to help save the cost of the Project. Our Idea is to try to make the set look like an exclusive poker lounge, sort of like being hidden in the back of a casino. 

For the lighting, we decided to dim the lights or maybe have a singular light pointing down at the Poker Table, allowing for Shadows to be created on the walls, creating more tension in the game and keeping the viewers on the edge of their seats when watching. Having the table look a little wrong, or something could show that it has been used, but still, everything looking luxurious shows that it has been kept because it is a priceless table that has been used by a lot of people from the high class.

Having this set design will give us multiple tones of Intense, Suspenseful, and Stylish but Still High Class. It will help create the feeling that the game is not just about being a simple game but that it is something bigger, like creating that they have something to prove. Having each Player have a different amount of playing chips (Money) will help show who has more power, which ties into why this game is so important for each person.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Storyboard - High Stakes

High Stakes

Creating the breakdown of the film helped a lot since it narrowed down the options of what to try and make. I ended up picking "High Stakes" as the title, this title made sense to me since the Poker Game that is being played in the beginning is all about trying to win since "everything" is on the line. Below is the film's storyboard. 


First Box: Establishing shot of the Film Opening. It will be a High Angle of the Poker Table, with the Title of the Film either getting integrated into the Table or having the Title Pop Out to contrast the Poker Table.

Second Box: Medium shot of Player 1 (Main Character) walking towards the Card Table (Tracking Shot). This helps introduce the setting where the Film will take place. After this then the camera will flip, and we will now have a perspective of the dealer, as he starts to deal each card to each player the Character Card will be shown.

Third Box: This will be the Character Card of Player 1. The Film will stop for a few seconds to display the Character Card. Introducing us to "Jack of All Trades", then giving a few key details or some personality traits. Panning to the next Player to introduce them.

Fourth Box: This will be the Character Card of Player 2. The Film will stop for a few seconds to display the Character Card. Introducing us to "TBD - Possibly Cowboy/Cowgirl", then giving a few key details or some personality traits. Panning to the next Player to introduce them.

Fifth Box: This will be the Character Card of Player 3. The Film will stop for a few seconds to display the Character Card. Introducing us to "TBD - Prince/King", then giving a few key details or some personality traits. After this Player is introduced it will resume the Poker Game.

Sixth Box: The game is resumed, and everyone is playing the game normally, with no one cheating or someone trying to bend the rules. 

Seventh Box: Disequilibrium occurs, this will be a mix of Option 1 and Option 2. This means that it will start with a loud noise that will disrupt the game, leaving all the players confused as to what just happened since this game was supposed to be a secret game/Unknown hence the movie being called High Stakes. Then it will proceed to show who caused the commotion.

Eighth Box: When showing who caused the commotion, something will occur leaving the This is the Cutoff of the film, which   is what leaves the viewer on a cliffhanger. This helps lead them to want to watch more of it since

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Summarizing Project Idea - Breakdown of Film Part 2

Breakdown of Film

Adding on to the previous post, after all the characters are introduced with their individual character card, music in the background will help set the tone and start to make it feel more intense and high stakes. As the game continues, the disequilibrium will happen, which will be a sudden interruption. Right now, I am undecided as to what the interruption will be, but having it narrowed down to 3 options will make it easier to decide when recording.

  • Option 1: Someone can bang on something (Create a lot of noise, startling everyone who is playing the game). This won't cause panic but will lead people to look around to see what the noise means and why it happened.
  • Option 2: Another Character is Introduced, the antagonist. They could enter the frame and start yelling or talking about how one of the characters owes them something (Could be Money or Some form of Assets). 
  • Option 3: Another Character is Introduced, the antagonist. After entering the frame, they decide to sit down and play the poker game. They then start to gamble a lot, and then, after a bit, they lose a lot of money. Being short-tempered, they do something which leads to the disequilibrium. 

After one of these situations happens, the whole group will realize that something is about to occur, and they all collectively realize that what's about to happen is not good but bad. After this, it would then cut to something happening but would stop halfway as by that time, the 2 minutes for the Portfolio Project would most likely be up.

For the Credits, I will use a variety of techniques, mostly trying to find a way to incorporate the credits into already the Portfolio Opening so that time can be saved instead of having to show each individual credit on the screen, which could be used for something else, below an example.

All these various techniques will help shape the Film Opening. Since they all can work together when used correctly, it can help show the characters and their roles quickly while not having the viewer get distracted by other things. It creates a hook for them to want to keep on watching and figure out who played each part. Using the Media Theory that I picked helps even more since the first 2 parts connect to what I will show in the Film Opening.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Summarizing Project Idea - Breakdown of Film Part 1

Breakdown of Film

I'm finishing the storyline of my Film Project. Since I don't have a Title for the Film, I'll leave it as TBD. Some possible names for the Film could be "High Stakes" or "All In". They fit in since the genre is Action Thriller, and it starts off with a poker game scene. Depending on which element I want to focus on more while filming could lead to me switching the name of the Film to like "Raise or Run" or even "Jack of All Trades"

The Film Opening will start with a High Stakes Poker Game, 3 Players + 1 Dealer. Each Character is introduced with their individual Character Card. Something that I would like to add to each Character Card would be a key element of them. Some examples are below of what I would like it to look like.

    • Role: Dealer
      • Name: TBD➡️Alfred
      • Personality: Very Observant, Can Keep everyone in Order, and Everyone Respects them.
      • Appearance: Blazer and Hair is always done
    • Role: Player 1 (Main Character)
      • Name: TBD ➡️Possibly Jack of All Trades
      • Personality: Adaptable, Can learn new skills quickly. Experiences from practically everything & anything. Skills from technology to survival instincts.
      • Appearance: Practical yet still looks professional. Can blend in with any environment.
    • Role: Player 2
      • Name: TBD ➡️ Something with Cowboy/Cowgirl
      • Personality: Confident, Sharp-Minded, Past is Unknown
      • Appearance: Average Cowboy/Cowgirl Clothes
    • Role: Player 3
      • Name: TBD ➡️ Something with King/Prince
      • Personality: Comes from a long line of wealth, Thinks he owns everything, and Treats this Poker game as a game, and nothing serious. Knows how to use his connections to his advantage yet spends money as if he has Scrooge McDuck's Net worth.
      • Appearance: Expensive yet Lazy clothes, Pj's that are designer or like a Robe made from expensive materials. Trying to look casual but still rich. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Integration of Media Theory

 Media Theory

I decided to choose Todorov's Narrative Theory of Equilibrium. Picking this Theory was easy because my Portfolio Project already includes these types of Equilibrium, so including the theory that already includes this would help the film opening flow better. This Theory can be divided into multiple parts: The 3 Main Parts: Equilibrium, Disequilibrium, and New Equilibrium. Since this is the Opening Credit Scene getting to the New Equilibrium immediately wouldn't be good since it would then turn into a short movie. 

Example of Todorov's Narrative Theory

The Avengers are a great example of Todorov's Narrative Theory. It starts off with the superheroes living their normal lives with no great danger, then a villain would come and cause disruption which leads to them no longer living a normal life. This causes all the Avengers to assemble and then realize how big of a threat it is, which leads to them battling the villain. They work together, resolving the problem, and then comes the New Equilibrium which is that they create a better awareness of possible dangers that could arise at any moment.

Equilibrium & Disequilibrium

The Equilibrium for my Portfolio Project would be when the Opening Scene starts, introducing each character as it stops to inform us about them. Use a Graphic to give a detailed list, or bullet points to highlight key details that give the background story of each character. The movie "Trainspotting - (1996)" uses graphics to give us character cards in the Title Sequence. Below is an image of the character cards used in the film.

The Disequilibrium for my Portfolio Project would be when the Poker game gets interrupted by someone or something. The Poker game will either be a High Stakes or a Gambling Session where a lot is on the line, having someone bang on something, making a lot of noise, startling them because they have been found. One of the characters would be in trouble since they owes something, which could be money or a very big favor. Below are examples of how it could look when they are about to get interrupted or how it looks while it is happening.

Reflection - Group Meeting #1

Group Meeting #1

This is officially Week 3 of the Portfolio Project, time flies when you are having fun. Yesterday in Class we were assigned to groups of students from different Portfolio Projects so that we could get a variety of feedback from them, then at the same time give feedback to them on their projects so that everyone could improve. This group meeting helped us see new ideas on ways we could do our Portfolio Project.

My Group

My Group Included Nicole, Danielle, Isabella, and Diego. Isabella started off by sharing her very detailed idea, she clearly knew what she wanted to accomplish in this project. She made sure to let us know how she would like to develop her character and the credits. The way she wanted to develop the credits really caught my attention and might be something that I would to incorporate. She wants to create credits on little cards that have enough of them. Below are 2 examples that she would like to incorporate.

Incorporating something like this into my Opening Credit Scene would be interesting since it will help give a character a specific characteristic allowing it to stand out from the rest of the characters. 


I believe that the Group Meeting went very well since everyone had a chance to talk and share their idea for their Opening Credit Scene allowing for everyone to give feedback. This allowed everyone to add things they were missing or even just fine-tune some things that they were possibly not so sure how to decide. Since everyone's project was different overall it allowed us to get an idea of everyone else's project and help them with different perspectives, having a variety of perspectives allows for people to get feedback from different target audiences which allows for them to be able to perfect it for each group. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Possible Sound + Music

Incorporating Sound + Music

Since the Portfolio Project is going to be an Opening Scene for a Movie and also must include the opening credits, I would like to add some sort of background music or song to help tell the story better.  Using a variety of sounds can lead to whatever is happening on the screen to stand out more and give it sort of like a highlight when important things are happening.

Some possible sounds that I might use in the Opening Scene are:
  • Fast Beat (Energetic Percussion Clap Drum Background Intro Theme)
    • The first one can lead to like a little montage of them playing poker, introducing each character and their background of where they come from. It could also show how intense the game is and that there is a possibility of something big that they are betting on or some foreshadowing of something about to happen.

  • Intense Trailer Dynamics: Cinematic Orchestral Suspense
    • The Second Sound will most probably be used to start off the video as it gives an intense vibe which will show that this game is very important. Then the ending of the sound could also be used when something big has happened, like the game getting interrupted for some reason.

  • Epic Orchestral Intro
    • This could be the song used during the gameplay of poker since gambling you have to be very concentrated since one wrong hand or game played could mean losing a lot of money very fast. When playing this type of game you have to be concentrated, so having this playing in the background can help create tension and let the viewer know what is going to happen.

Since each of these sounds is different in its own matter, they can all lead to different possible film sequences that can be created. I need to find out which sounds/music to use and when to use it as this will help a lot when creating the storyboard. Having the right sounds to be played at a perfect time can help lead the viewer to feel more immersed when viewing the Opening Scene.

Timeline & Figuring Out Structure of Project


Having a Schedule is very important since it will allow me to stay on track and finish the project on time. However, having a schedule can also allow room for error if something does not go according to plan. Below is an outline of what I must accomplish throughout the next weeks.


  1. Research for Portfolio Project, selecting Genre
  2. Film Opening + Credits Research. 
  3. Creating a Timeline for When Things are Due
  4. Reflection, Incorporating a Media Theory
  5. Storyboard + Script
  6. Character Development + Mise-en-scene
  7. Audio for Project
  8. Fonts + Formatting
  9. Filming Days 1-4
  10. Editing Days 1-2
  11. Research for CCR Questions 1-4
  12. Production of CCR
  13. Editing of CCR
  14. Overall Feedback of Portfolio Project

Right now we are on week 2 out of the 8 weeks allowed to work on this project. The Timeline Below will give me an idea of when things are due, doing this gave me an idea of when I should do hard deadlines to make sure that I stay on track if for some reason I start to fall behind. Each Bullet point below is a Blog Post that will act as a due date for something important that will be used in the Portfolio, it could also just be research.


    Week 1 - (1/29 - 2/2)

    • Transition to Portfolio Project - Brainstorming                 ✅
    • 2 Possible Genres for the Project - Narrowing it down    

    Week 2 - (2/3 - 2/9)
    • 3 Film Openings - From Chosen Genre             ✅
    • 3 Credit Sequences - From Chosen Genre        ✅
    • Schedule - Portfolio Project Due Dates    ➡️     (Current Blog Post)
    • 1 Variety Post - Possible Sound/Music Choices

    Week 3 - (2/10 - 2/16)
    • Reflection - Analyzing Feedback from Teacher
    • Integration of One Media Theory - Choose Best Option
    • Summarizing Project Idea - Breakdown of Film
    • Storyboard &/or Script 

    Week 4 - (2/17 - 2/23)
    • Character Development - Choose Character Traits & Tone
    • Part 1 - Mise-en-scene - Selecting Costume, Set
    • Part 2 - Mise-en-scene - Selecting Props, Lighting
    • Audio - Choosing Audio for the Project

    Week 5 - (2/24 - 3/2)
    • Titles - Fonts & Formatting Order of Credits
    • First Day of Filming
    • Filming Day 2
    • Filming Day 3

    Week 6 - (3/3 - 3/9)
    • Final Day of Filming
    • Editing Day 1
    • Editing Day 2 - Wrapping it Up
    • Research for CCR Question 1

    Week 7 - (3/10 - 3/16)
    • Research for CCR Question 2
    • Research for CCR Question 3
    • Research for CCR Question 4
    • CCR Production Ideas - How to Answer Each Question

    Week 8 - (3/17 - 3/25)
    • Production of CCR 
    • Editing CCR
    • Overall Feedback of the Project
    • Links to Portfolio Project & CCR

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Credit Sequence Ideas

 Credit Sequence Ideas

I watched the opening Credit Scene of "Joy Ride" (2023). Even though this Movie does not fall into the same Genre, the way that the credits were presented to the viewer was interesting. Every Main Actor/Character has a part in the Opening Scene which shows their name and a picture of them in the Movie. It sometimes includes something that shows some sort of key characteristic for them or an object that played a key part in the movie. Source: Art of The Title

Another Credit Scene that I looked at was "Pokémon Detective Pikachu - (2019)". This credit scene was interesting since it used Pokémon to show the Producer, Cast, Director, and many others. The reason behind this was not just because the movie was based on Pokémon but also to create a fun way to show the credits, leading people to stay engaged and watch the credits. So if including something to help keep the viewer engaged worked for this Movie, recreating this in my film opening would allow the viewer to want to stay and find out more. Below is the Closing Title Sequence for "Pokémon Detective Pikachu - (2019)".

The last Opening Scene that I looked at was "Catch Me If You Can - (2002)". The Title Sequence was interesting because it only consisted of animated things. For example, The animated people that are used throughout the opening title sequence are used to show places where the movie took place. Trying to incorporate this would be a bit complicated since the opening film project is only 2 minutes long, so spending time trying to explain where the movie will take place would take away time that could be used for other things. Although that might be hard to incorporate, the way that they showed the credits was interesting and was different from most movies, so incorporating this into the film's opening scene could help give it some sort of pop/standing out from other title sequences. Below is the opening Title Scene for "Catch Me If You Can - (2002)".

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Action Thriller

Action Thriller

Knowing that I wanted to produce a film that would include some sort of Horror, or if not Horror a lot of suspense to help keep the viewer on the edge of their seat, I concluded that I would want to include a lot of foreshadowing. But then since my second option for the genre was Action, I could create a mix which would be Action Thriller. Choosing an Action Thriller allows me to create a lot of Rapid Cuts to create tension throughout the film's opening. Below is an example of a lot of rapid cuts used in the opening scene of "Mission: Impossible (1996)".

This film's opening uses a lot of scenes that were used throughout the movie to help give a little foreshadowing of what is going to occur. Using the mix of shots with the credits allows for the viewer to be engaged and pay close attention to both what is going to occur throughout the movie as well as who produced it.

The second Film Opening that I saw was "Fall Guy - (2024)". Since the opening scene is all a continuous shot it makes it look very good. It makes it feel as if the audience was there in person feeling all the action. Since a lot of stunts were used it helps give the action vibe and the viewer can expect this throughout the movie. Since the director was a previous stuntman it helped make the movie more accurate as to what a stuntman would usually act and think when working. Below is the opening scene for "Fall Guy - (2024)".

The Last Film that I looked at was "A New Hope - Star Wars (1977)". Since Star Wars is one of the most popular movie series ever, trying to incorporate some techniques that they used for the opening scene could help attract the viewer immediately. Since George Lucas started the film immediately into the action it helped attract the viewer immediately, without spending time to introduce everyone. This technique was interesting since when he was first starting no one knew who anyone was so having it start immediately without any explanation was a risk that he took and it turned out to be a good risk.

Since "Mission: Impossible (1996)", incorporated a lot of rapid cuts it gave me the inspiration to try and recreate it. "Fall Guy - (2024)" gave me the inspiration to maybe try to do the whole opening scene in one shot but it led me to realize that I wouldn't be able to include the credits as Mission Impossible did. "A New Hope - Star Wars (1977)" was interesting because it went straight into the action, it didn't introduce anything or anyone, this could be another technique that I could incorporate. Either way, all these opening scenes gave me inspiration on various techniques and ways to film the opening scene for this project.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Picking the Genre & The Story

Picking the Genre & The Story


Still undecided about which genre to pick I have narrowed it down to 2 Possible Options. It could be the Action Genre or the Horror Genre. Both of these genres in my opinion would be the most fun to create a film intro for. Both usually have intense scenes at the beginning allowing the viewer to see what type of things would happen throughout the movie. 

    Action: With the previous post, I was talking about maybe creating a film intro similar to James Bond. Having an Opening Credit Scene is sort of like a trailer allowing the viewers to get a sneak peak at what would occur throughout the movie. With an action movie, it is important to show that this movie will include a lot of action shots and shots with fast pacing to help hook the audience. Having a well-made opening credit scene allows for a tone to be set throughout the movie, which is sort of like giving a taste to the viewers. This not only acts like a trailer to grab their attention but then it transitions to the actual film immediately after. The first Video would show what the opening credit scene would be and the second video would show what could be before or after the credit scene.

    Horror: A possible option for a horror intro for this project could be an opening scene where it is the present and something bad has happened. It could then lead to a transition where it starts to introduce all the credits for everyone who worked on this movie, at the same time while this is happening a beat starts to play sort of like an intense beat to show that something is going to happen. After this has happened it will transition into a flashback just before the main event happened or something around these lines to hook the viewer and see what is happening next. An example of a beat that is well known to show that something is going to happen is the JAWS sound effect when the Shark is about to attack. 

Overall whichever genre I decide to pick it will most likely include some type of music or beat to help show the viewer that this movie will be intense and would be worth watching. Having the right tone from the beginning can help let the viewer know if the movie will be fast-paced or if there will be parts where you will have to wait for something to happen and help bring suspense.

Group Meeting #2

Group Meeting #2 This is officially Week 7 of the Portfolio Project; time flies when you are having fun. This a late post, but on Wednesday ...