Monday, February 24, 2025

Titles - Transitions for Credits - Part 2


When it comes to making transitions for anything in a film, how it is used is important. The movement of where it starts and then ends and the timing of when it is shown on screen are key roles in making sure that the film keeps on going without distracting the viewer with whatever else is on screen. For the Transitions of the Credits, there will be a variety of fonts used to let the viewer know the information without pulling the attention away from what is happening on the screen.

Transition List

    • Fade In/Fade Out
      • This will be used for the Production Company + Film Title
      • This gives it the effect of being a professional introduction
    • Dissolve or The Blur Reveal
      • This will be used for the Editing Credits + Cinematic Credits
      • This gives it the effect of it being slightly professional but more of it being smooth
    • Slide or Some Transition that Moves
      • This will be used for Character Introductions
      • This helps match it up with each character + stick with the film pacing
    • Overlay
      • This will be used for the Director, Writer, Producer
      • This will be put in the corners to make it visible but not to block the viewer from what is on screen.

All these Transitions will allow the Text that is put on the screen for the viewers to see and will make the film better by making it smooth and giving an engaging effect that will leave the viewer wanting to watch more. Making sure to time each credit will allow for the film opening to have a greater effect introducing everyone but not messing the pace of the film up,

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