Incorporating Sound + Music
Since the Portfolio Project is going to be an Opening Scene for a Movie and also must include the opening credits, I would like to add some sort of background music or song to help tell the story better. Using a variety of sounds can lead to whatever is happening on the screen to stand out more and give it sort of like a highlight when important things are happening.
Some possible sounds that I might use in the Opening Scene are:
- Fast Beat (Energetic Percussion Clap Drum Background Intro Theme)
- The first one can lead to like a little montage of them playing poker, introducing each character and their background of where they come from. It could also show how intense the game is and that there is a possibility of something big that they are betting on or some foreshadowing of something about to happen.
- Intense Trailer Dynamics: Cinematic Orchestral Suspense
- The Second Sound will most probably be used to start off the video as it gives an intense vibe which will show that this game is very important. Then the ending of the sound could also be used when something big has happened, like the game getting interrupted for some reason.
- Epic Orchestral Intro
- This could be the song used during the gameplay of poker since gambling you have to be very concentrated since one wrong hand or game played could mean losing a lot of money very fast. When playing this type of game you have to be concentrated, so having this playing in the background can help create tension and let the viewer know what is going to happen.
Since each of these sounds is different in its own matter, they can all lead to different possible film sequences that can be created. I need to find out which sounds/music to use and when to use it as this will help a lot when creating the storyboard. Having the right sounds to be played at a perfect time can help lead the viewer to feel more immersed when viewing the Opening Scene.
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