Fonts + Formatting
Various fonts will be used to introduce each Character or the Key Roles of people who helped produce the film. Apart from this determining where the Text will be shown is also important that way it can highlight what is supposed to be read, but also not distract the reader from the actual film. All the Font Options were found at "".
Text Formatting + Order
- Production Company: ARG Studios
- Font Options:
- LTC Bodoni 175
- Acumin Pro Bold ExtraCondensed Italic
- Futura PT Extra Bold Oblique
- Director: Andre Rivera
- Font Options:
- Trade Gothic Next SR Pro Heavy Condensed
- Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold
- Film Title: High Stakes
- Font Options:
- Glodok Display
- Dogma OT ExtraOutline
- Dogma OT Outline
- Brothers OT Bold
- Character Introductions:
- Player 1(Ghost - Aka Jack of All Trades):
- Font: Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold Italic
- Player 2 (Cowboy - Aka Brono):
- Font: Brothers OT Bold
- Player 3 (Fresh - Aka Prince):
- Font: Dogma OT Outline
- Dealer (Alfred):
- Font: Acumin Pro Bold Wide Italic
- Procducer: Andre Rivera
- Font Options:
- Trade Gothic Next SR Pro Heavy Condensed
- Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold
- Written by: Andre Rivera
- Font Options:
- Trade Gothic Next SR Pro Heavy Condensed
- Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold
- Cinematographer: Andre Rivera
- Font Options:
- Trade Gothic Next SR Pro Heavy Condensed
- Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold
- Editor: Andre Rivera
- Font Options:
- Trade Gothic Next SR Pro Heavy Condensed
- Neue Haas Unica W1G Bold
Each Key Role will have a different placement on the screen since some are more important to be seen + read than others. The Film Title + Production Company will be in the Center of the Screen. The rest of the Key Roles will be played around with but will either be in the Bottom Right/Left Corner of the Screen.
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