Wednesday, February 26, 2025

First Day of Filming - High Stakes

Film Day 1

After Weeks of planning, scripting, and storyboarding on what Film would get produced, High Stakes was chosen. Today we kicked off with the First Day of Filming. It is very exciting seeing something come alive, since it all started with just a paper and pencil. Despite the challenges that occurred, we managed to keep on going and get the opportunity to record it and make it a reality.

Behind the Scenes

When setting up for the Poker Game, the Poker Mat was a bit bigger than the table, but we were able to fix it since the mat just folded downwards, creating the illusion of it being a Poker Table. After Adjusting the Lighting, setting up, and Tweaking the Angles, everyone got into costume, and we hit record. Below the video shows what the set looked like during filming. 

Above is a picture of everyone in the film opening. Everyone had their roles memorized, dressed up in their individual characters, ready to bring this project to life. Every little detail helped give the tension the film needed plus the mystery needed to capture the viewers attention.

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