We decided to recreate the video "Cold" by Chris Stapleton for our Music Marketing Project. We decided to make an artist that is a solo artist and this song is his debut single. His name is Noah Ryan and the song name is Shattered. The personality and how our singer would look are still in progress but we have worked on the mood board a little, which is shown below:
- Noah-Ryan.com
- TikTok
- YouTube
- YouTube Music
- Spotify
- Apple Music
First having a Website will allow Fans to go to a specific place where information about the artist can be found as well as being able to purchase merch like clothes, Stickers, and various other forms of memorabilia. On the website, you can also add Tour Dates and sell them to see how many people click on the website and see if you are growing in popularity as time passes. This can help because a certain campaign is not working, then it's easier to determine the cause and can be used to switch either campaigns completely or change a few tactics.
Second, having Social Media can help promote the music/videos of the songs. It can show behind the scenes of the videos getting made or how songs are created. This will help gain listeners and fans as time progresses without actually having to release songs. Gaining Listeners/Fans through this also allows for different techniques to be used apart from being Strictly Only Music. For Example, they can comment on various other things like what's happening around them or a daily life blog.
Third having Various Listening platforms will help reach various audiences that listen on different platforms for various reasons. Spotify is one audience and then YouTube & Apple Music are other audiences, reaching all of these platforms can help promote and expand fanbases through various platforms to gain people who will support you along the journey.
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