Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sound Project

We were assigned a Project in which we had to tell a Story using only sound effects and other auditory techniques. These were the instructions:

    1.  Brainstorm 1-2 minute, school-appropriate scenes.  This scene should be comprised of action that would occur in a literal 1-2 minute timespan.  What sounds are present within these scenes. Could you convey the plot of the scenes only using sound?  Complete the brainstorming sheet. 
      • Scene ideas that are not available: getting ready for school/work, cooking, robbery 
    2. Choose the scene that you would like to develop for your project. Create a detailed outline that explains the sounds that will be used to build a realistic representation of your narrative.  You may only use seven words during the scene. Submit this outline to the Canvas assignment titled "Soundscape Planning Outline." 
    3. With the aid of online sound effects databases and everyday items, you will create an audio recording that conveys the story of the scene.  No video is allowed. Please use just a black screen or one still shot on your video line.  Your scene must be at least one minute in length but may not exceed two minutes. 
    4. At least four of the sound effects utilized must be created by using random objects (cannot use digitized versions of the audio or sounds made with mouth) on a “foley stage.”  Please video the process of creating these four sounds and edit them together into one cohesive video file.  
A Foley sound is a custom-made sound effect that is recorded in a studio during post-production to enhance the audio quality of a film, TV show, or video game.

Since we are doing this close to Halloween, my partner and I wanted to make something that would fit the Halloween theme. We ended up choosing to develop a theme about a little child who visits a circus and an attack by clowns with chainsaws happens. It then expresses the child's encounter with the clown, when things go wrong but the child escapes alive. 

We also chose to use Adobe Premiere as it was a software we were both familiar with as We had both used it in previous projects. When combining both sections of the Project it was simpler than it would have been to use 2 different software.

We used the following Soundscape Planning Outline: Sound Project Outline

We used 4 Different Home-Made Foley Sounds: Foley Sounds

Our Project: Sound Project

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