Group Meeting #2
This is officially Week 7 of the Portfolio Project; time flies when you are having fun. This a late post, but on Wednesday in Class, we were assigned to new groups of students from different Portfolio Projects so that we could get a variety of feedback from them and, at the same time, give feedback to them on their projects so that everyone could improve. This group meeting helped us see new ideas on ways we could do our Creative Critical Reflection Video Projects.
Above is a picture of my group for this Group Meeting. We went over the guidelines of what had to be accomplished in both videos and the overall structure of the Creative Critical Reflection Video Project. Some of their ideas were pretty interesting and unique; some of them had the idea of doing videos where they are doing like an interview with someone else which gave it an interesting twist.
CCR Video Guidelines
- 2 Videos - 2 CCR Questions Per Video
- Max Length - The Max Length for both Videos Combined is 11 Minutes
- Target Length - The Target Length for both Videos Combined is 8 Minutes
- Each video is around 4 Minutes (X2)
This group gave me ideas on what I could do to improve on my Creative Critical Reflection Videos. The next steps would be to construct the video and make sure that it meets all the guidelines.